Harrah Soccer Club Covid-19 Protocol
- Coaches and players are considered team members.
- Positive Tests:
- If a team member lives in a household with someone who has tested positive, then that team member should quarantine for 14 days. If a team member tests positive, then the whole team should quarantine for 14 days. That would mean no games or practices or any team activities for two weeks.
- Exposure:
- Exposure is defined as within 6 feet of an infected person for a total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period, unless you have been fully vaccinated. People who are fully vaccinated do NOT need to quarantine after contact with someone who had COVID-19 unless they have symptoms.
- HSC recommends a 14 day quarantine in the case of team member exposure to a suspected or confirmed case of Covid-19. Recommended quarantine may end early provided:
- after 10 days without testing no symptoms have occurred, or
- after 7 days with a negative test where the test occurred on day 5 or later.
- These guidelines are consistent with CDC guidelines at of October 27, 2021. See https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus for more information.
- Your cooperation in this challenging time is appreciated as we all do our best to keep everyone healthy. Thank you.