As a 100% volunteer run club, all donations go right back into the facilities and activities that support our youth athletes. It’s because of the direct support of some amazing businesses and individuals that we’re able to:
- Improve our fields with seed, fertilizer, and professional maintenance
- Improve our structures with paint, siding, and much needed repairs
- Provide great activities such as Awards, Trunk or Treat, Soccer Fest, etc.
- Improve the overall soccer experience for the youth athletes in our club and their families
We currently have a Banner Donation Program where your donation of only $100 pays for a full color 4’x3′ mesh fence banner to hang at our club facility for the course of 1 year displaying the artwork of your choosing.
As always, you may reach out directly to any board member or myself, or make your investment in the club online through PayPal below.
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